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Advocacy Programmes

Sign Language


  • KGVI is at the forefront in promoting sign language in Zimbabwe.  We believe that if the Deaf are to be treated fairly in society sign language has to be widely taught and used in both schools and public offices.

  • The centre brought together deaf adults from all over the country to produce a national sign language dictionary.  This dictionary has recently been augmented by an interactive sign language dvd.  Both are available at KGVI. 

  • The KGVI sign language team conduct sign language four days a week with parents, teachers, nurses, counsellors, police officers and members of the public.

  • In total 150 police officers have been trained in sign language and one of these has gone on to train a further 300 policemen and women.

  • KGVI partnered with Rotary to conduct sign language lessons, bring together isolated teachers in deaf resource classes, hold Deaf Awareness Open Days, produce visual learning material as well as a nursery rhyme dvd for deaf infants.

Awareness Through the Arts


  • KGVI has a strong arts programme including drama, dance, music, singing, poetry and painting.  Many of our students are skilled in at least one of these disciplines and with training become professional performers. 

  • From our arts programme sprang the successful Liyana Band which toured in both Europe and the States.  The films Music by Prudence and iThemba were both made about the band members.  The success and fame of this band has had a bigger impact on disability awareness in Zimbabwe than any other advocacy programme. 

  • Our deaf dance/drama performers have twice won the main prize in a Southern African competition known as Zwakala held in South Africa

  • Our public performances with deaf dancers and actors, disabled singers and musicians carry a strong message – it is difficult to reject someone who has just entertained you on a public stage. 

Affirmative Action


At KGVI we employ 19 of our own past students, many of them in key posts.  We have teachers, admin staff, project officers and media personnel to name just a few.  Who better to ensure the rights of the disabled than someone with personal experience?  Who better to teach a deaf child sign language than a young deaf adult?



KGVI is a partner in a special initiative supported by Johnson & Johnson, to work with deaf girls on HIV/AIDs awareness under the USAID DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS free, Mentored, Safe) programme. 

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