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Contact Us...

KGVI Centre & School

King George VI Centre & School

P O Box AC 80 




​For General Information:​

For General Information:

For Media Information:  


Telephone:       +263 9 230 434/5 (front office & general

Inez Hussey (Director):           +263 9 255 323 (direct office)

                                                       + 263 772 247 429

David Katandika (Director):  +263 9 230 067 (direct office)

                                                        +263 772 851 278

                                                        +263 712 384 236



Donating Made Easy !


KGVI continues to be dependent on outside funding to advance its disabilities rights work in Zimbabwe. Here are ways you can help.





Use the “donate”button to transfer funds to Friends of King George VI



Send your tax exempt contribution to Friends of King George School.

5806 Black St.,

Pittsburgh PA, 15206, USA;


Please check out the Stichting Jabulanikids Zimbabwe website for donation information -  


Send your contribution to Amandla Trust, 3 Riversmill Walk, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 5GL.  If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please request a Gift Aid form



If you or your friends buy on-line at Amazon, and have accessed Amazon by clicking on the Yellow button to the right, approximately 6% of your purchase price will be contributed by Amazon to the school. No charge to you or your friends!



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